2007 - Dir: Richard Laxton - Shown at the FeckenOdeon on 30th April, 2011
This film did not begin - as most films do - with a round of pitches and commissions in film company offices. It grew from a seed that was planted and nurtured in "Art in Action" - a long-established community arts project based in Bootle. Bass player Carl Hunter was asked to make a short video to promote and help raise funds for an extraordinary enterprise. The Family Refugee Support Project in Liverpool tries to help people who have had terrible experiences in their home countries, and who are trying to cope with the physical and mental aftereffects of those experiences in the sometimes inhospitable atmosphere of their adopted city. Under this scheme, these people were given - not drugs - but allotments.
Carl realised that there was more than a fundraising video in this story and took it to the BBC who pulled in extra funding, director Richard Laxton and a lot of familiar character actors. Carl was given help to write his first ever screenplay - given the working title of "The Allotment". The result is a bit of an odd hybrid - part Ealing comedy, part social comment. It can be said to work on both levels. Many people have allotments (there are two sites here in Feckenham) and regard them as their private escape - how people react when their space is invaded is always good dramatic fuel.
And what happened next? The project upon which this film is based was refused funding by the Lottery and by Government Agencies. Perhaps a lesson for our current financial predicament - nothing grows unless you water it!
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