2008 - Dir: Michael Radford
Shown at The FeckenOdeon on October 30th, 2010
This is a modern, slick piece of filmaking with a difference. While "Flawless" follows the rules of the crime thriller genre, it does so in a kinder, gentler manner than many of its contemporaries. This movie has no chases or killings and lacks many of the violent trappings audiences have come to expect from heist movies. In fact, one could make a convincing argument that, although the production is primarily about the planning, execution, and aftermath of the crime, it's actually an unconventional love story. This is a strange and tense film - more of howdunnit than a whodunnit. We meet a high flying business woman (Demi Moore) who slightly improbably teams up with the company janitor (Michael Caine) to steal some Flawless diamonds. The robbery, its planning and execution, are exciting enough - but it’s only then that we get to the meat in the sandwich.... to say much more would be to say too much...
It’s 40 years since Michael Caine blew the bloody doors off the conventions of crime movies in "The Italian Job". Now he’s at it again - proving once and for all that pensioners are just young hoodlums in old skins. Mr Caine, now 77 years old, never seems to stop working. It can’t be for the money so the only conclusion can be that he simply loves the job. Since this film he’s completed another six and is now working on a further two projects - including the next in the Batman series. Mr Caine is supported by a fine cast of British character actors including Joss Ackland who is 83 and Derren Nesbitt aged 75... not a lot of people know that...
It’s 40 years since Michael Caine blew the bloody doors off the conventions of crime movies in "The Italian Job". Now he’s at it again - proving once and for all that pensioners are just young hoodlums in old skins. Mr Caine, now 77 years old, never seems to stop working. It can’t be for the money so the only conclusion can be that he simply loves the job. Since this film he’s completed another six and is now working on a further two projects - including the next in the Batman series. Mr Caine is supported by a fine cast of British character actors including Joss Ackland who is 83 and Derren Nesbitt aged 75... not a lot of people know that...